It's been two months since my last post. A lot of things happened and I remember every one of them. The good news is I finally landed a job.
Last month around the middle of the month. I was offered three different job with different role at the same time.
The first company is a really big organization that deal with job recruiment. My role there would be involve using Python to do data thing.
The second company is a listed company in my country. My role there would be me using PHP and possibily dealing some system admin stuff.
The third company is a new-ish startup company with offices in multiple company dealing with digital marketing marketing. And my role there is more of supportive role for now and may evolve as time progress.
You may know by now, I picked the third company. Honestly I am interested to the first and second company as well. But the main reason why I choose the third company is because their responsiveness. The HR or recruitor was able to reply me in short period of time and make appointment and decision swiftly compare to the other two company.
I do understand the reason behind that, fist off the first and two company is larger company or coorperate depend on how you want to call them. Thing happened more slow or SOP if you may.
And the third company is new startup and they are eager to expand and new young blood to join as well which is why they able to make decision that fast(total, left than 10days)
Anyway, I joined the company on 25th Feb and I been with them for one month. Everything is great, the environment and collegue all that are good.
So far I am very happy with my decision, cause usually I made wrong decision or unwise decision all the time.
There is so many thing to learn from my colleague, They are all rare talent in their own way and I want to learn as much as possible from them.
Career wise I also believe that I can make alot advancement staying here. I know its still to early to say anything. I have two more months for the probation. Let just passed the probation first and make sure they like me and my work and want me to stay with them.
There’s all I want to update for now. I want to post stuff that is more technical in the future though. Stuff like programming and thing that deal with system or software.
Anyway, until next time.